SPC cannot accept online payments, process or distribute financial aid, or provide refunds between 3:00 pm on Friday, June 28, through Thursday, July 4



Program Overview

Immerse yourself in hands-on learning with dedicated mentors, opening doors to lucrative careers. Gain practical skills, shape a successful future, and journey towards a future filled with opportunities in the dynamic world of pipefitting. If you like problem-solving, hands-on learning, and a variety of projects, a career in the pipefitting industry could be for you. 


student working on a pipe with tools in front of a red background

Median annual wage


New jobs each year for the next decade


Semesters to complete diploma


Lucrative Career Opportunities

The pipefitting program at Saint Paul College offers a pathway to stable employment in a high-demand industry. Graduates can enjoy competitive salaries and job security in various sectors such as construction, manufacturing, and maintenance. 

Creative Problem-Solving

Studying pipefitting involves a mix of technical skills and creative problem-solving. From designing complex piping systems to troubleshooting issues on-site, students can apply creativity to find innovative solutions, making each project unique. 

Industry-Relevant Skills

The curriculum is designed to equip students with the latest industry-relevant skills and knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the demands of the ever-evolving field of pipefitting.

Work Hands-On

Pipefitting is a hands-on job, and the program at Saint Paul College reflects that. Students have access to state-of-the-art labs and workshops where they can apply their skills in a real-world setting under the guidance of experienced instructors. This practical experience sets them apart from others in the industry.

Work in Residential or Commercial Settings

Pipefitting is a versatile trade, and graduates can work in both residential and commercial settings. This opens up many job opportunities, allowing you to choose a career path that aligns with your interests and goals. 

student working on pipe
pipes and machinery